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Philip Yabut / shutterstock.com

Dem Senator Attempts to Take Credit for the Very Hunting Programs He Put in...

Politicians say a lot during an election year. And as in the case of Democrat Senator Jon Tester, a lot of it is lies. As...
ra2 studio / shutterstock.com

27 States File to Stop Colorado from Kicking Donald Trump Off the Ballot

A majority of state attorneys general have filed a joint amicus brief with the US Supreme Court to oppose Colorado from kicking Donald Trump...
mark reinstein / shutterstock.com

Chris Christie’s Road to the 2024 GOP Nomination: Does He Have What It Takes?

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is still in the GOP primaries race. He wants to be the next President, but he’s unable to...
zef art / shutterstock.com

American Victims of Hamas File Suit Against North Korea

Israeli attorney and human rights activist Nitsana Darshan-Leitner told Voice of America News (VOA) that she would be representing the families of Americans killed...
Elnur / shutterstock.com

Criminal Loses It After Probation Request Is Rejected

On January 3rd, Nevada Judge Mary Kay Holthus had a horrific kind of day. Presiding over the sentencing for Delone Redden, he had already...
lev radin / shutterstock.com

“Gold Bar Bob” Menendez Hit with Second Set of Bribery Charges

What do you suppose Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) did to tick off the Deep State? Menendez has skated by for years without being charged...
Halfpoint / shutterstock.com

The Cost-Cutting Benefits of Installing Solar Panels on Your Home

In today's world, being energy efficient isn't just a desirable trait – it's essential not only to lessen our environmental impact but also to...
Stock-Asso / shutterstock.com

LA Newscasters Will Literally Be Fake in 2024

After years of making tongue-in-cheek jokes about everything in Los Angeles being plastic and fake, now it will be true. LA-based Channel 1 announced shortly...
goffkein.pro / shutterstock.com

Cryptic Notes Now the Latest Bonus in PA Cereals

At the end of December, news broke of a customer finding a strange note in their cereal. Happening in remote Luzerne County, PA, the...
Ben Von Klemperer / shutterstock.com

Vivek Says the Establishment Won’t Let Either Biden or Trump Get Close to Winning

It’s no secret that Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is considered most Trump-like, both when it comes to policies and worldview. But he’s also...

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