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zef art / shutterstock.com

American Victims of Hamas File Suit Against North Korea

Israeli attorney and human rights activist Nitsana Darshan-Leitner told Voice of America News (VOA) that she would be representing the families of Americans killed...
Elnur / shutterstock.com

Criminal Loses It After Probation Request Is Rejected

On January 3rd, Nevada Judge Mary Kay Holthus had a horrific kind of day. Presiding over the sentencing for Delone Redden, he had already...
lev radin / shutterstock.com

“Gold Bar Bob” Menendez Hit with Second Set of Bribery Charges

What do you suppose Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) did to tick off the Deep State? Menendez has skated by for years without being charged...
Halfpoint / shutterstock.com

The Cost-Cutting Benefits of Installing Solar Panels on Your Home

In today's world, being energy efficient isn't just a desirable trait – it's essential not only to lessen our environmental impact but also to...
Stock-Asso / shutterstock.com

LA Newscasters Will Literally Be Fake in 2024

After years of making tongue-in-cheek jokes about everything in Los Angeles being plastic and fake, now it will be true. LA-based Channel 1 announced shortly...
goffkein.pro / shutterstock.com

Cryptic Notes Now the Latest Bonus in PA Cereals

At the end of December, news broke of a customer finding a strange note in their cereal. Happening in remote Luzerne County, PA, the...
Ben Von Klemperer / shutterstock.com

Vivek Says the Establishment Won’t Let Either Biden or Trump Get Close to Winning

It’s no secret that Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is considered most Trump-like, both when it comes to policies and worldview. But he’s also...

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