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Evan El-Amin / shutterstock.com

Elon Musk Predicts Trump’s Polling Numbers

If you haven’t noticed, the attacks against former President Donald Trump just keep coming. And Elon Musk is predicting how they will affect Trump...
Mike Pellinni@shutterstock.com

Creek is Granted “Rights,” Only to Be Reversed When Truth Comes Out

It has been the unfortunate experience of far too many that when outsiders come in and try to influence a community, they rarely have...
lev radin / shutterstock.com

Biden’s Press Secretary Admits Trump Trial is Connected to 2024 Election

By now, it’s no secret that the political left is using legal means to either imprison former President Donald Trump or make him unelectable....

State Declares Public Health Emergency After TB Outbreak

Most have never had or even known someone with what used to be deadly diseases like measles, tuberculosis, etc. Unfortunately, in places like Chicago...
Rafael Ferreira de Abreu / shutterstock.com

Multistate Coalition Fights Biden ATF’s Attempt to Stop Firearm Sales Among Americans

By now, it's been made quite clear that the political left has every intention of stripping America of her Second Amendment rights. Thankfully, multiple...
Maxim Elramsisy@Shutterstock.com

Maxine Waters Thinks Trump Supporters Are Actively Training to Take Over

It doesn’t take long to realize that the Democratic Party is in way over their heads in desperation over possibly losing to Donald Trump...
sergey kolesnikov@shutterstock.com

Are Your Chickens at Risk? Signs Your Birds Have Avian Flu

Most of us have likely heard of bird flu. We also likely assume that this isn’t something we have to be overly concerned about....
BlueBarronPhoto / shutterstock.com

Biden Loses Third MQ-9 Reaper Drone to Desert-Dwelling Terrorists

If you haven’t heard, there is a war of sorts waging in Yemen. And thanks to Biden’s lack of effort there, the US has...

Thug Gets ‘John Wick’ Treatment after Messing with the Wrong Girl

Unfortunately, in cities like Chicago, crime has grown out of control, with armed robberies now occurring in broad daylight in busy parks. However, that...

Number of Vacant NYC Storefronts Nearly Double Since Pandemic

If you haven't heard, living in New York City is getting harder and harder, especially if you're a business owner. In fact, data shows...

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