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Evan El-Amin / shutterstock.com

One Major Candidate Eliminated from Trump’s VP Short List

Reports in Bloomberg say that President Donald Trump has personally told Vivek Ramaswamy that he doesn’t want him as his vice president. However, Trump...
Rafal Kubiak / shutterstock.com

11-Year-Old Boy Finds Proof Israel is the Holy Land of History

As I am sure you know by now, the whole conflict with Israel/Gaza is a historical one, with both sides claiming that they are...
Tomas Ragina / shutterstock.com

Hezbollah Terrorist Caught Sneaking Over Southern Border

Despite liberals thinking we are all crazed for seeing the writing on the wall, the number of violent criminals and terrorists showing up on...
Gajus / shutterstock.com

Bidenflation is Far Worse Than Most Americans Even Realize

The Biden regime continues to tell everyone what a great job they’ve done with the economy, even as Americans dip further into their 401(k)s...
Tint Media / shutterstock.com

NOAA Climate Gauge Devices Tampered with? Two Have Already Been Arrested

Insurance fraud has been a thing since, well, insurance has been around. But a recent case shows just how easy it might be for...

Tate Brothers Now Being Targeted in the UK

At the request of a British arrest warrant brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate were detained on a 24-hour hold for questioning concerning accusations of...
Frederic Legrand-COMEO @shutterstock.com

Kate Middleton’s Photo Triggers Unsettling Conspiracy Theories

Amidst growing speculation surrounding the absence of the Princess of Wales from public duties since Christmas Day, a controversial photo released by Kensington Palace...
Aleksandar Malivuk / shutterstock.com

French Government Agencies Get Hit By “Unprecedented” Cyberattacks

France has been hit by a mass cyberattack on several state bodies, with many ministerial services targeted using "unprecedented intensity," according to a statement...
ronstik / shutterstock.com

Gold Star Father Taken Away in Cuffs for Calling Out Biden During SOTU

While there is a time and a place for everything, Steve Nikoui, the father of fallen Marine Lance CPL Kareem Nikoui, picked the best...
l i g h t p o e t / shutterstock.com

Congress Restores School Shooting Sports in Humiliating Defeat for Biden

Joe Biden signed a bill called the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act in law last September. The zealots at the US Department of Education immediately...

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