What do you suppose Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) did to tick off the Deep State? Menendez has skated by for years without being charged with federal crimes, including alleged overseas child sex trafficking. That changed in 2023 when Menendez was suddenly accused of taking bribes from Egypt, sometimes in the form of 1-kilogram gold bars (hence the nickname, “Gold Bar Bob”). Now Menendez has been hit with a second set of bribery charges, this time involving the Qatari royal family.
Under these new charges, Menendez and a business partner named Fred Daibes have both been indicted. Prosecutors allege that Menendez and the former head of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee made positive comments about Qatar in exchange for gifts like luxury wristwatches.
Menendez and Daibes attended an event in New York in 2021 that was hosted by the Qatari government. Daibes allegedly sent Menendez a text message about the “gifts”—a pair of luxury wristwatches valued between $10,000 and $24,000—that were being offered.
“How about one of these?” Daibes allegedly asked Menendez, next to a photo of the watches.
Two days after that event, Daibes sent Menendez a message asking him to back a Senate resolution that was supportive of the Qatari royal family. This was happening as Daibes was involved in a potential multi-million-dollar real estate scheme with the Qatari Investment Company.
In March of 2022, the Qataris allegedly gave Nadine Menendez tickets to the Formula One Grand Prix in Florida. Nadine was indicted with her husband back in October over the whole gold-bars-from-Egypt bribery scheme. By 2023, the Qatari Investment Company had completed a deal with Daibes worth tens of millions of dollars. Prosecutors say that the whole time between the initial 2021 meeting and this year, Menendez was receiving valuable gifts from the Qatari royal family in exchange for subverting American foreign policy on their behalf.
What a guy!
You know what’s really funny about all of this? Menendez is being indicted for the exact same kind of garbage that Joe and Hunter Biden have been committing for years.
The truth is that Sen. Menendez has been the lowest-hanging fruit in the US Senate for a long time. He was placed under investigation on bribery charges back in 2012. In November of that year, the Daily Caller sent reporters to the Dominican Republic and tracked down some underage prostitutes that Menendez had been exploiting on trips there with a wealthy donor.
The Daily Caller found one 16-year-old girl who had been paid to service the fat slob Menendez. She described the orgies that she and other girls had allegedly participated in with Menendez and his wealthy campaign donor, a guy named Salomon Melgen. She had a picture of Menendez pawing her in a bikini on the donor’s yacht. The girl showed the reporters a piece of jewelry that “Bobby” had given her for her 17th birthday, so it’s not as if Menendez was unaware that he was committing statuary rape of trafficked children on foreign soil.
The FBI yawned at the whole story. They did try to indict Menendez on bribery charges for the lavish gifts that he received from Melgen, such as the private jet flights to the Dominican Republic. By the FBI’s metrics, flying on a donor’s private jet is worthy of criminal charges, but engaging in child sex trafficking overseas is no biggie. Menendez fought those charges in 2015 and won, and then went back to being the head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
All of this brings us back to our original question—what did Bob Menendez do to make someone so angry with him? It’s not like he hasn’t been allegedly taking bribes and being a lecherous weirdo for years. Why indict him now?