Harris Supported Invading Gun Owner Homes to Ensure Weapons Are Stored Safely 

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A perplexed America watched an overly sincere Kamala Harris claim that both she and running mate Tim Walz owned guns. If it’s true, it raises questions. Questions like, for instance, how is your record on private gun ownership so deplorable? Why are you such a staunch advocate for gun control? And why don’t you, or anyone else in your party, know that “AR” in AR57 does not stand for “assault rifle?” 

Still, her attempt to pander to gun owners was commendable. It was a bold move for a candidate who introduced a gun buyback program, supported defunding the police, and passed a law allowing raids on gun owners’ homes to ensure they were storing their weapons safely. 

Wait, what? 

In May 2007, Harris told legal gun owners that authorities could enter their homes to “check if they were storing their firearms properly” under a new bill she created as San Francisco’s Attorney General.  

“Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible,” she stated in an interview at the time. 

Interestingly, she admitted the “sanctity of your home” while saying she could legally raid it to find pesky people who break laws within their walls. 

But she was just getting started. Her proposed bill, which Gavin Newsom signed into law, included other rules about gun control, like requiring legal gun sellers to give an inventory to the chief of police every six months and a ban on having guns in public housing. When Newsom signed the laws, he said San Francisco now had the strictest anti-gun laws in the country. 

During that press conference, Harris said the bill was about “legislating our values” to “encourage certain types of behavior.” 

Ah, those famous Harris values. 

Harris has been criticized for her statements about her values as the election approaches in November. She told CNN last month that her values haven’t changed, even though she has shifted her stance on many policies. Since becoming the Democratic nominee for president, Harris has been trying to present herself as more moderate to appeal to a larger group of voters and to distance herself from President Biden. 

But Americans aren’t fooled. Not only are her alleged “values” immoral and disgusting, but her narrative is designed to fool moderates into voting for her. Lora Ries, a border security expert at the Heritage Foundation, sums it up perfectly. In her opinion, and the opinion of millions, Harris is telling her base not to listen to what she is saying now. After she is elected, she will revert to her old policy stances because “her values have not changed.” 

During last week’s presidential debate, ABC News moderator Linsey Davis asked Harris about her changing stance on mandatory gun buybacks. The Democratic “nominee” did her classic Harris shuffle until Donald Trump mentioned her anti-Second Amendment actions as VP. As recently as 2019, during her first failed run at the presidency, Harris supported mandatory gun buybacks. 

Harris responded to Trump’s criticism by saying that she and Tim Walz, who are both gun owners, aren’t trying to take anyone’s guns away.  

Wink, wink. 

James Singer, a spokesperson for Harris’s campaign, told Fox News Digital that if Harris became president, she would defend the Second Amendment.  

But the NRA, Harris’s nemesis, disagrees. 

In 2009, the NRA fought against San Francisco’s law banning guns in public housing. They won that case, but the 9th U.S. Circuit of Appeals rejected their requests to loosen her “safe storage law.” SCOTUS refused to hear the case despite the law’s constitutional issues involving the Second and Fourth Amendments.  

The NRA pointed out that under Harris’s law, guns would be inaccessible to homeowners when they need them most – at night, while asleep. It’s unclear if she expected criminals to wait while homeowners unlocked their guns from a safe and loaded them. 

Does Harris own a gun? It doesn’t matter. Owning a sheepdog doesn’t make you a rancher any more than having a toothbrush makes you a dentist.  

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