How Google Totally Disrespected Memorial Day

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Twin Design /

One of my favorite things about Google just became a serious reason to question the company’s patriotism.

Like many of you, I love how creative Google can be on its homepage. You know, how they create these elaborate or fancy doodles to illustrate or mark important events.

On Cinco de Mayo, their name includes sombreros, cacti, and brightly colored guitars. On Super Bowl Sunday, football helmets are included. Hell, they even honored Ukraine Independence Day by displaying the Ukraine flag with its doodle.

So we could all imagine a patriotic illustration to be found on the homepage on Memorial Day, a national and federal holiday.

But that’s not what was found this year.

Instead, the doodle was found to be severely lacking. It simply said “Google” in grayed-out letters.

In fact, the lack of patriotism might make you think that the company forgot about the holiday completely. However, as usual, when the cursor hovered over the word, it mentioned that it was Memorial Day and even allowed you to click on it to learn more about the holiday.

So there is no question Google just didn’t put much effort into it.

Naturally, many Americans were rather disappointed, if not totally frustrated, with their lack of creativity here.

As one said, it was “sheer disrespect.”

And I, for one, can clearly see this as disrespect – especially when the company usually has no shortage of creativity for all manner of other things, including obscure celebrities’ birthdays, minor sporting events, and international or historical events.

As I mentioned, they went all out for Ukraine’s Independence Day. For “pride month, the letters were all done up in bright rainbow colors.

And yet, they merely grayed the letters out for one of our more celebrated national holidays?

Surely Google could have done the letters in more patriotic colors, the American flag, or images of soldier attire.

Granted, Memorial Day isn’t really a celebration. But this is a complete lack of respect for our nation but also for all those who have so faithfully served our country and sacrificed it all over the years.

Google should be ashamed of this.