Think you’ve got a strong core? I’ll bet this granny has you beat. 58-year-old Canadian Donna Jean Wilde held a plank for an astonishing 4 hours, 30 minutes, and 11 seconds, according to the Guinness World Records (GWR). This time surpassed the previous record holder, Dana Glowacka’s 2019 record, by more than 10 minutes.
Speaking with GWR after her victory, Wilde said, “My elbows hurt pretty bad,” she said after breaking the record. I was so worried about losing my form, and I think that’s why my quads hurt—I was just really tense. The last hour was the most challenging, just to stay focused and keep my form.”
Practicing by planking for three hours per day, she started her journey to the record 12 years ago when she broke her wrist and couldn’t lift weights or run. With the toes and forearms supporting the person’s weight, this was a great way for her to keep fit while her wrist healed. A source of inspiration in fitness when this happened, she didn’t let it slow her down. Instead, coupled with her role as Vice Principal to help the kids under her care know that injuries happen and that you can adapt.
According to her husband, Wilde suffers from chronic pain in her hands and arms, so she has significant experience in shutting out the pain in daily life. Something he believes helped her push through the obvious pain this kind of record puts the athletes through. Motivated by her 12 grandchildren, she trained for the event with two three-hour planking sessions per day to ensure she could make it. Accomplishing her record in front of the grandkids and students from her school was a momentous occasion.