How Romney Plans to Keep Trump from Winning

a katz /
a katz /

If you haven’t noticed, Utah Senator Mitt Romney isn’t exactly a team player. And now, he’s even planning to ensure that Donald Trump can’t win the GOP nomination.

According to an Op-Ed for the Wall Street Journal, his strategy is getting donors to push out Republican candidates who have no real shot at winning early so that more GOP voters can vote for a Trump alternative and against Trump regarding the primaries.

Essentially, he wants to turn the primaries into a two-person race to ensure that Trump doesn’t win.

The Op-Ed titled “Donors, Don’t Fund a Trump Plurality” and subtitled, “As in 2016, Republican candidates won’t drop out soon enough. Here’s how to give them a push.

It outlines a plan to encourage “megadonors and influencers – large and small” to do something new: “get candidates they support to agree to withdraw if and when their paths to the nomination are effectively closed.”

Romney continues, adding that the latest possible date of such a withdrawal should be February 26, the Monday immediately after the first four primaries have taken place and when a better picture of how the race will end up.

His logic is that doing so allows voters to switch their support to someone other than Trump before the last votes are counted.

Of course, there’s also a massive problem with the whole plan.

Even if all other GOP candidates were to drop out but one, Trump would still win if that vote was taken right now. Polling currently has him with the support of a whopping 53 percent of the vote.

And even more astounding is that he also has five more percentage points than Joe Biden’s 40 percent if the general election were to occur today. Plus, 16 percent of voters are undecided. And my guess is that as time passes and Biden’s blunders continue, his support will only decrease.

Nice try, Romney. But it looks like you’ve done nothing except to prove to us all that you are, in fact, a turncoat!