In Biden’s America, You Can Get Robbed While You’re Robbing Someone Else

itti ratanakiranaworn /
itti ratanakiranaworn /

In Commerce City, CO three would-be robbers decided to set their sights on a cash-heavy business for their latest crime. Entering the Hi-Lo Check Cashing around 11 am on December 16th, the trio were quickly on the run thanks to law enforcement in the area providing a rapid response. Quickly catching two of the three suspects that’s where things got interesting.

As the PD stated in a post on Facebook, “In an unexpected and ironic twist… as the trio was robbing the business…a fourth criminal stole their getaway vehicle… which may have already been stolen. We don’t know.” Oddly enough, that vehicle may have already been stolen, but officers were unsure of much about its details.

Even though this says a lot of positive about the response time and direction from the Commerce City, CO police department, it says even more about the situation inside the US under President Joe Biden. Liberal lawmakers have continuously given criminals a “ticket and release” program, ultimately putting the area at increased risk of further crimes. Then, when they are slated to appear to answer for their crimes, many District Attorneys simply drop the charges.

This is a case of horrific signs for the American people. The days of our justice system taking crime seriously, and criminals paying the price for their poor decision-making seem to be long gone. In their place powder puff guidelines are instead put in place, with many of them ultimately going unenforced. Giving criminals carte blanche to do whatever they want is a horrible idea. Yet, that is exactly what has happened under the Biden administration, with this story as the grand result.