Harvard University president Claudine Gay has been an institution around campus- for now. The once renowned president has come under fire for not only allowing antisemitism to rage on campus but for refusing to speak out against cries for genocide on campus. Testifying before Congress, she and other presidents refused to condemn this behavior but rather attempted to excuse it.
Since she fumbled her way through her Congressional appearance, she has tried to backtrack her statements. Attempting to clarify, she said, “What I should have had the presence of mind to do in that moment was return to my guiding truth.” In no way, shape, or form has she truthfully walked the comments back and corrected herself.
Mind you, now the Harvard Corporation has evidence to doubt her credibility to be in such an esteemed position. As accusations of plagiarism have surfaced, the Harvard Crimson has covered it extensively, much to the dismay of many board members. Given the massive academic implications of these accusations, Harvard has found itself entrenched in a horrific fight to keep someone who seemingly doesn’t even want to be there.
It’s not that Gay will leave the office willingly. As the first black female in the position, she will need to be forced out. Something many doubts the notoriously liberal board will do. Given their staunch support of minorities and kissing the ring any time the race card is played, she might have the perfect position to stay, no matter what she does. For the conservatives who have earned a degree from Harvard, it’s now worth even less than it was before. For those applying, it is no longer the front-runner it once was.